Cloud Hosting - Quality of Service Agreement

Odoo databases hosted on always use the following service

  1. Uninterrupted work

    1. The web server for accessing Odoo is on the Google Cloud platform. This ensures constant operation of the service and protection against DoS attacks.

    2. Customer databases are hosted on our hardware servers located in the data center of the Freehost company in Kyiv.

    3. Each customer database is replicated in real time to a backup server located in the same data center.

    4. The data center guarantees equipment operation 99.9% of the time.

      These indicators refer to the availability of the platform itself for all customers. Individual databases may be temporarily unavailable for certain reasons, usually related to customer actions or the installation of updates.

    5. This corresponds to a maximum unplanned downtime of 1.44 min / 24 hours or 8 hours per year.

    6. We usually provide much better uptime than this (100% most months) as our providers always deliver much better uptime than their SLA.

  2. High Availability

    1. Our data centers are Tier-II+ certified or equivalent, with N + 1 redundancy for power, networking, and cooling.

    2. Each client database is replicated in real time on backup storage located in a single data center, so there is no data loss during downtime in case of a hardware failure.

  3. Backup and Recovery

    1. 32 daily full database and file storage backups.

    2. Backups are stored on Google Cloud Storage.

    3. Users can access their backups at any time in their account

    4. For persistent failures affecting only one server, our disaster recovery plan has the following metrics:

      • RPO (Goal Point Recovery) = 5 minutes, i.e. you can lose a maximum of 5 minutes of work;

      • RTO (Time Recovery Time Objective) = 30 minutes, i.e. work will come back online after a maximum of 30 minutes (failover time + DNS update time).

    5. In case of a data center failure (a single target data center goes down completely and permanently), the disaster recovery plan has the following metrics:

      • RPO (Point Objective Recovery) = 24 hours, i.e. you can lose a maximum of 24 hours of work if data cannot be recovered and we need to restore the last daily backup;

      • RTO (Time Recovery Objective) = 24 hours, i.e. the service will be restored from backup within 24 hours at another data center.

  4. Security

    1. SSL - all web connections to the client versions are secured with 256-bit SSL encryption (HTTPS with a 2048-bit SSL module certificate) and run behind Class A SSL stacks. All our certified chains already use SHA-2.

    2. Reliable platform - servers with a full hardware warranty, excessive data storage, network, and electricity costs.

    3. Passwords - client passwords are protected by standard PBKDF2 + SHA512 encryption.

    4. Secure System - our servers use the latest Linux distribution with up-to-date security patches, firewall, and intrusion countermeasures (not made public for obvious reasons).

    5. Isolation - client data stored in special databases - no data exchange between clients, no access from one database to another.