Accessing, Updating or Deleting Your Personal Information
User Account & Contact Data
You have the right to access and update personal data(name, email, contact information) you have previously provided to us, including data from third party oauth providers(Facebook Login, Google Login, etc). You can do so at any time by connecting to your personal account on If you wish to permanently delete your account or personal information for a legitimate purpose, please contact our Helpdesk, to request so. We will take all reasonable steps to permanently delete your personal information, except when we are required to keep it for legal reasons (typically, for administration, billing and tax reporting reasons).
Job Application Data
You may contact us at any time to request access, updates or deletion of your application information. The easiest way to do it is to reply to the last message you exchanged with our Human Resource personnel.
Customer database on ERP Ukraine Cloud Hosting
You can manage any data collected in your databases hosted on, at any time, using your administration credentials, including modifying or deleting any personal data stored therein.
At any time you can export a complete backup of your database via our control panel, in order to transfer it, or to manage your own backups/archive. You are responsible for processing this data in compliance with all privacy regulations.
You may also request the deletion of your entire database via Helpdesk, at any time.